Setting stem

28 January 2011
After hours of measuring and planning I finally sett the movement in the drill. The plan is to copy the setting mechanism and mount it on the front side, this can sound quite straight forward, but this requires a lot of measuring, and thinking several steps ahead. I will be making one change, removing one of the intermediate wheels.
I used two end mills to cut the flat bottom hole that will house the sliding pinion, and in the bottom drilled a 0.5mm hole for the tip of the setting stem.

This is a simple mockup of what it is supposed to look like, from the intermediate wheel and out, the bridge will be milled down. I will need to make the intermediate wheel twice as high, the second intermediate wheel will be mounted on top of the first.


  1. Nice work man! Good to see someone at other WOSTEP schools doing this kind of thing! I am at the Switzerland WOSTEP. Check out my blog about my school watch(es) here:

  2. Thanks!
    This blog-layout seems to be popular among watchmakers;-)
    I'm very impressed by your work, and I'm VERY envious of your Hauser mill, we don't have anything like that...

  3. Yeah it's my baby. I wouldn't be able to do anything this complicated without it!
